Student Information Management by M|D Enterprises

A school, college or university multi-user application that allows the administrator to manage all areas of student and curriculum management, with an enphasis on reporting mechanism requirements for accreditation.


The admission process allows the admission staff to log callers with pertinent information for thorough followup on the potential student. All information entered during the admission process is kept and transferred to the student record once enrollment takes effect. Tracking of potential students is quickly documented and extensive reports are available to track the potential of enrollment and prospect feedback on your marketing campaign in order to maximize your advertising dollars.

Student Management

Student information is at your fingertips on a single form with multiple tabs that cover Academic Information, Class Schedule, Grades, Attendance, Ledger, Payments, and Employment for each student. Access to this information is administered and controlled to limit your staff accessability to the information. Academic process is easily maintained by the application, providing reports of students meeting and not meeting SAP requirements. Attendance can be entered quickly for a student or the entire class requiring only minutes from your staff to accomplish this daily task.

Reports and Hard Copy Documentation

The application boasts of numerous reports to assist your staff and to provide certification reporting documentation.

Administration and Security

The administrator can control all aspects of the application and limit access to users as desired. Security is enforced at the database engine using SQL Grant/Revoke privileges and at the application level via the menus and forms.